Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Update of Our Aquaponics Build at Sowles Well Service June 4th 2013

Published on Jun 4, 2013
Recorded on June 4, 2013 using a Flip Video camera. Hello All I lost about four minutes of this clip because I trimmed the wrong way. Sorry about that. Yeah I am still learning to use the FlipCam and It's Simple software.

Hey I told if I can do It you can too. I am No rocket Scientist thats for sure. But I never claimed to be. I will need to do some more work on the sump pit box and I still want to get the other two tanks cut and their bladders removed and cleaned up and ready.

I will be looking at some Bulk head fittings that we have here at the house. We got a couple lots at an Auction a while back and I'll have to see what I can dig out out the creates that I can make do the job. There is not a lot of pressure in these systems. Everything can be unglued and hand tight; well mostly everything.

I got the longer cut offs up to the Green house and I still need to fit them together as the other cut offs were just to much to piece together. I was losing my mind trying to figure it out. So now it is easy three ten foot pieces for each thirty foot run and two couplings for each pipe. They'll sit nicely on the cement blocks and it will make it easier to clean out when the time comes.

As I said this is being done on the fly nightly after work and I work on It when I can to the beat of a different drummer sort of speak. As I don't drive I have to work around the boss's schedule.

But It will get done eventually. The box is just some thing to keep the dirt out of It. The ground is mostly clay kind of like modeling clay soft and mold able when wet or moist. Hard as brick when dry. So I will line the bottom of the pit with patio blocks and cover it with a lid. This will help keep It cool in summer. Warm in winter and keep debris from entering the tanks as well.

As I was saying I laid out the piping for the feed troughs that will be outside this year. If I get them in time. I don't have a whole of time left to get this part up and running for this years growing cycle. But if I do run with it. I can always throw a quick Hoop house up with this cattle panel stuff. Its fast and easy and very reasonable. But I think I'll use six by six's instead of the Telephone poles if it come to rushing this Green house build. They are much lighter and easier to set. But I am cheap so I'll have to see how fast it needs to be slapped up.

I should just cut four more telephone poles up shouldn't I, Hum. I might do that and have them ready or even set them. First I want to see if I can grow anything. Speaking of I need to start my seeds this week.

I pressure washed the holding tank and the large fish tank as well I got the top cut out of the fish tank. I did that with a grinder and a cutting wheel. It was very easy; messy but easy. I used the dirt from the sump pit to refill the dirt box and placed the rest in front of the dirt box so I could climb straight onto It with out a ladder. I'll Land scape that up some and then I'll get some more dirt from the dirt hills from the pond. And then I'll do the same with the sump pit on two sides, the front and the right side or the west side. On the east side is where the well is and the south side faces the Green house so I'll keep them level, but I will use only wood chips on the Green house side as this is where the plumbing will be.

Getting closer YouTube I have tons to do still, but most of this stuff will go rather quickly once I get the tanks plumbed. I found my fish for this year. I am not sure if there Channel cats or Bull heads. But there are three balls in my uncles pond right now as of today. But if I wait to long the bass will devourer them before I get them into a tank. And the water is way to cold for me to brave It. I'll need a John boat or canoe and a net.

There is usually about hundred Frys in a ball like the ones in the pond, but as I said you don't have much time to catch them before the bass or some other fish or bird eat them up.

The pond is all open water no trees and not many places to hide in for these little guys that's why they ball up the way they do. Protection!

I have a large fifty gallon metal trough I could drag it over there and try to snag about fifty or sixty or even more. And keep them covered at the waters edge. I'll see. I don't have too much Time on my hands, but we'll see what we can do.

If their Channels I grow them Out for eating. If their Bullheads I'll cut them lose in the river or give them to the neighbor for his pond.

Well I got to run. I need to get showered and go to bed. Busy day tomorrow if I want to catch some of those Frys I'll need to be rested.

Somebody Come and Play Today! Earn as You Learn, Grow as You Go!

The Man Inside the Man
Sinbad the Sailor Man
JMK's Production

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Donnie/Sinbad the Sailor Man

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